Bird Construction Co

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Quels sont les services de Bird Construction Co à Edmonton ?

Bird Construction has been providing construction services to a long list of new and repeat clients since 1920.

Que pensez-vous de Bird Construction Co (Edmonton) ?

Joseph H.,LiveWay
  • par Joseph H.
  • |
  • 11th February, 2020

Recommandez-vous Bird Construction Co ce Contruction à Edmonton ?

Hi. Ive been trying to get on with bird construction in Kitimat bc for a bit. I have a friend that works there he TELL,s me they rock. Good people good equipment and lots of work. In Kitimat. Where i want to be. Bird is a word. And they rock lol

Mel J.,LiveWay
  • par Mel J.
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  • 2nd March, 2020

Que pensez-vous des services de Bird Construction Co ce Contruction à Edmonton ?

Bird reached out to me after receiving/reviewing my resume. I would like to thank Asmed (HR Dept. Edmonton) for his kindness and patience. During our communication I'd received word of a sudden death in my family. Asmed showed sympathy and let me go immediately. I followed up with Asmed a few days later and we continued with his questions etc. I was invited by Asmed for an interview unfortunately I had received another call from another company who made me an offer. I wish I could had the opportunity to have met Asmed as he truly is a nice person. If the rest of Bird Construction is like this then I will probably be kicking myself later. Thank you Asmed! Mel J - Calgary

Sam K.,LiveWay
  • par Sam K.
  • |
  • 10th November, 2020

Avez-vous aimé votre visite de Bird Construction Co ce Contruction à Edmonton ?

Great dealing with Bird, Kurtis Miller, Todd Gordon...the list goes on. These guys get it done right, and on time!

Shane R.,LiveWay
  • par Shane R.
  • |
  • 25th July, 2020

Comment Bird Construction Co ce Contruction vous à servi à Edmonton ?

Great communication & Catherine very informative also , very helpful....tkx Bird atco/ Catherine & have great day & wknd as well me Shane Reilly & Lori Styles are wanting to get on with heavy haul truck in Kitamat, bc experience however, but more than will to learn & listen ...we need change from industrial bus industry, we are presently driving in Kitamat, Lori for First Canada & myself for Industrial shuttle for your...FYI ! Thank you , Shane Reilly and Lori styles.

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