Davies Property Management

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  • 4 246 ratings

What are Davies Property Management 's services in Edmonton ?

Davies Property Management has more than 35 years of experience managing residential properties in Edmonton, AB.

What do you think about Davies Property Management (Edmonton) ?

Ervin L.,LiveWay
  • by Ervin L.
  • |
  • 23rd March, 2021

Will you recommend Davies Property Management a Home Rental in Edmonton ?

Paula, is a professional property manager. Not only does she understand the market very well and what the tenants need but also provides a great balance between tenants and landlords. She will always go the extra mile and will get back to you even beyond regular working hours. Greatly appreciate your hard work Paula!

Peter J.,LiveWay
  • by Peter J.
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  • 19th March, 2021

What do you think about Davies Property Management a Home Rental services provided in Edmonton ?

I have been a client of Davies Property Management for more than 11 years. It can't be an easy task to keep landlords and tenants happy however they do it well! The Davies Staff are very competent and responsive. In particular, my property manager, Paula, always goes above and beyond, and will do whatever is necessary to solve problems for the benefit of all!

Ryan S.,LiveWay
  • by Ryan S.
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  • 6th April, 2021

Did you like your visit with Davies Property Management a Home Rental in Edmonton ?

Amazing. Jey, Valentina and the entire team at Davies Property Management saved me. They started managing my rental in 2015 ish. It already had a tenant in it, who ended up being evicted. The team had to go through the whole process, get the tenant out, and do a lot of repairs. They were able to get it all done in a timely manner, and get new tenants in not long after. Their process is professional and concise. I credit them for saving my property, my financial investment, and more importantly, my sanity. To this day, I recommend anyone to look them up that has rental property.

  • by S
  • |
  • 23rd March, 2021

How did Davies Property Management this Home Rental served you in Edmonton ?

The ONLY property management company I would even consider. Hey we’re most helpful to me as I am not present in the city that my property is in. They went in, handled any cleaning and upgrades that were needed prior to renting property. I could not be more grateful for their professionalism.

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