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Quels sont les services de RONA CARPET & DUCT CLEANING à Vancouver ?

We guarantee all our work. RONA Air Duct, Dryer Vent, Rain Gutter, Chimney, Carpet Cleaning, and Window Cleaning Services.

Que pensez-vous de RONA CARPET & DUCT CLEANING (Vancouver) ?

Kat V.,LiveWay
  • par Kat V.
  • |
  • 1st September, 2015

Recommandez-vous RONA CARPET & DUCT CLEANING ce Nettoyage de ventilation à Vancouver ?

The service I received from Sears was amazing! The technician that cleaned my carpets was very professional, friendly, and did a amazing job on my carpets ! The customer service I received when booking my appointment was also equally amazing and very professional and friendly VERY MUCH recommend Sears for all your carpet cleaning :)

Ted J.,LiveWay
  • par Ted J.
  • |
  • 30th June, 2018

Que pensez-vous des services de RONA CARPET & DUCT CLEANING ce Nettoyage de ventilation à Vancouver ?

Good service.

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