Wicks Electric

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What are Wicks Electric 's services in Vancouver ?

Electrical Companies in Vancouver, BC - Wicks Electric is a team of highly-motivated professional electricians. We are electrical contractors for residential and commercial projects to service calls and small jobs.

What do you think about Wicks Electric (Vancouver) ?

Jordan J.,LiveWay
  • by Jordan J.
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  • 4th January, 2021

Will you recommend Wicks Electric a Electrician in Vancouver ?

I worked for Wicks Electric for several months before unseen circumstances lead to me relocate, but if I moved back to the lower mainland, they would be the first company I call and apply to. There is an excellent culture of positive learning|teaching for apprentices, great leadership and foreman running the projects as well as an amazing team of electricians to work with. I would highly recommend working for them for any electrician who is looking to grow and excel in their field.

Jules G.,LiveWay
  • by Jules G.
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  • 12th January, 2021

What do you think about Wicks Electric a Electrician services provided in Vancouver ?

Sincere thanks for your quality of work so far on our Commercial project. Your attention to detail is excellent and we have been extremely impressed by your Company’s work ethic and communication. Rolling out a project, whatever size, remotely during COVID has required a considerable re-work of our model at Evolve Design Build, and it is imperative we work with companies who uphold trust and integrity. We work with many Contractors and you really are standing head and shoulders above many of your peers. Thank you!

  • by Kara
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  • 11th December, 2020

Did you like your visit with Wicks Electric a Electrician in Vancouver ?

Wicks was fantastic to deal with from start to finish. I only hired them for a small residential job but I found their customer service to be exceptional and the product was exactly what I'd hoped for.

Olivia C.,LiveWay
  • by Olivia C.
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  • 20th November, 2020

How did Wicks Electric this Electrician served you in Vancouver ?

Wicks was such a great company to deal with. Currently I'm working with a construction management company and a non profit organization to coordinate some updates to various buildings. I contacted Wicks for some minor electrical work, as I was being quoted high prices. They were quick and responsive, and gave me a very fair price for the work, even though it wasn't in the most ideal part of town. Their professionalism has been outstanding, and I would not hesitate to recommend them for any project - big or small.

vladimir l.,LiveWay
  • by vladimir l.
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  • 13th December, 2020

What could you say about Electrician services provided in Vancouver by Wicks Electric ?

'Wicks Electric' electrician (if I understood properly, the gentleman's name is Wyatt) visited our condo on Friday, Nov 27, for previously scheduled work (replacement of a number of light fixtures). The electrician conducted himself in the most professional manner, was very very polite, came with the mask and was willing to accommodate us (we changed our mind (about some fixtures) during his visit). I can highly recommend this company. Vladimir Burnaby

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