Sunrise Furnace and Duct cleaning Company

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  • 5 2 ratings

What are Sunrise Furnace and Duct cleaning Company 's services in Edmonton ?

Sunrise Furnace and Duct Cleaning has been successfully serving Edmonton and its surrounding areas for the past few years

What do you think about Sunrise Furnace and Duct cleaning Company (Edmonton) ?

Mary A.,LiveWay
  • by Mary A.
  • |
  • 29th September, 2020

Will you recommend Sunrise Furnace and Duct cleaning Company a Air duct cleaning service in Edmonton ?

Sunny came right on time! He was quick yet thorough, he did about 21 registers in the home, the dryer vent, and the air conditioning coils. He was very efficient and gave me a great deal! My furnace had not been cleaned for 10 years (newly home owner) and the amount of dust we had every time the heat turned on was just disgusting. Now the furnace sounds more efficient and purer. Thanks Sunny for the great work!

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