Infinite Landscape & Design

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What are Infinite Landscape & Design 's services in Edmonton ?

Infinite Landscape is an Alberta based Residential and Commercial Landscape Design and Construction company. Let us landscape your property!

What do you think about Infinite Landscape & Design (Edmonton) ?

Joe S.,LiveWay
  • by Joe S.
  • |
  • 25th November, 2019

Will you recommend Infinite Landscape & Design a Landscaping in Edmonton ?

I highly recommend Infinite Landscape. They did great wok for me.

Kylee J.,LiveWay
  • by Kylee J.
  • |
  • 13th December, 2020

What do you think about Infinite Landscape & Design a Landscaping services provided in Edmonton ?

100% would recommend Infinite Landscape & Design. We did a residential design and hardscape contract with them, and are very happy with the results. The quality of the work was excellent, completed within a good timeframe, and they are very professional to deal with via email. Even when there was a delay with a product, Alyssa was great about keeping us updated.

The B.,LiveWay
  • by The B.
  • |
  • 6th February, 2020

Did you like your visit with Infinite Landscape & Design a Landscaping in Edmonton ?

Great service, Alyssa is awesome to deal with. Definitely will recommend to a friend.

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